Institution Registration Process
Becoming a Registered Institution
During the process of assessment of the application for institutional registration, the Commission may grant the institution a permit to operate pending the determination of the application. A permit shall cease to be valid:
- (a) upon the breach of a condition imposed upon the grant of the permit
- (b) where a notice of refusal of registration is delivered to the applicant
- (c) upon the delivery to the applicant a certificate of registration
Approval of RegistrationNote: The Commission shall approve an application of a tertiary level institution if, in relation to an application, the Commission is satisfied, based upon the written report of the prescribed authority, that:
- (a) the applicant is a company registered with the Office of the Registrar of Companies of Jamaica (Institutions must receive a designation of the category/classification of the type of tertiary institution they fit before registering with Office of the Registrar of Companies of Jamaica).
- (b) the applicant is in good standing as a company;
- (c) none of its directors, officers or employees has been convicted of an offence under the Dangerous Drugs Act, the Offences Against the Person Act, the Sexual Offences Act, or an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or moral turpitude;
- (d) a director or person to be employed by the applicant in the operation of the institution is not, by reason of any infirmity of mind or body or otherwise, incapable of operating or being employed in the institution;
- (e) the institution and facilities (where applicable) to be provided by such institution and the quality of its physical infrastructure and appropriate teaching and learning resources, are suitable for offering at the level for which registration is being sought.
- (f) the applicant is financially capable of satisfying its obligations to prospective students, existing students and the capability to provide professional liability insurance.
- (g) The academic staff to be employed by the institution is sufficiently qualified.
- (h) the administrative system or governance structure is of a level suitable for offering tertiary level education.
- (i) the programmes or courses to be provided by the applicant are of such a quality, that they will enable the institution to provide a standard of education that is suitable for offering tertiary education.
- (j) the resources required to offer tertiary education are available to the institution, and
- (k) the premises in which the institution is to be operated meets the requirements set out in the Tertiary Education Standards.
Refusal of Registration
- The Commission shall, upon the recommendation of the prescribed authority, refuse an application for registration of a tertiary level institution in any case where the Commission is not satisfied as to the compliance of the Tertiary Education Standards.
- Within 90 days of receiving the notice of refusal, the applicant shall, if it is currently in operation, cease to operate the tertiary level institution.
- Where the application is refused, the Commission shall notify the applicant in writing of the refusal and the reasons for the refusal.
- Where the Commission refuses to licence a tertiary-level institution, the applicant may appeal the matter.
Renewal of Registration
A registered Higher Education Institution may, no less than six months before the expiry of the certificate of registration, apply to the Commission for a licence to operate as a registered tertiary level institution.
Registration Criteria
- Governance and Company RegistrationThe institution shows sound corporate and academic governance for the category of education operations.
- Financial Viability and SustainabilityThe institution has the financial resources, support and management capacity to sustain the category of education consistent with the Registration standards.
- Academic Programmes Quality and IntegrityThe Institution establishes and maintains programs that ensure that the academic quality and integrity of its education operations are maintained.
- Management and Human ResourcesThe institution ensures that faculty and staff are well managed and that the human resources are appropriate, enabling the fulfillment of the expressed mission and vision.
- Student Information and responsibilities to supportThe institution has well-documented plan for the provision of student services that meets its responsibilities to students, including the provision of information, support and equitable treatment. These should be reviewed and adjusted annually.
- Health & Safety Policies and ProceduresThe institution must have procedures and systems in place that caters to the health, security and safety of all students, including student with special needs.
- Physical and Electronic Resources and InfrastructureThe institution places emphasis on the importance of having well-maintained physical and electronic resources and infrastructure sufficient to enable the achievement of its objectives, across all its location in Jamaica and any other location regional or international.
- Risk Management and AssessmentThe institution must ensure that it has qualified staff, policies and procedures to ensure that function of risk management and assessment can be effectively addressed in accordance with the registration standards.
- Philosophy and StrategyThe institution must have a clear philosophy and appropriate strategy which guides its education and research operations. This must be consistent with government and industry philosophy and strategy.
- Non-DiscriminationThe institution’s policies should not discriminate on the basis of disability, age, gender, political affiliation, social class, religion, or any other characteristics protected by the Jamaican Constitution in the administration of its procedures, (i.e. matriculation/admission) physical and electronic infrastructure, scholarship and other institutional administered programmes.
Institution Registration Certificate
- The certificate of registration issued to the institution must be displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises of the institution.
- A certificate of registration issued to a tertiary level institution shall be valid for a period of no more than five years from the date of first issuance of the certificate.
- A certificate of registration shall not be a transferable instrument.
Institution Registration Updates
The status of all institutions will be posted on our website as indicated below:
- Applications being processed
- ‘Permit to operate’ pending completion of evaluation
- Registered
- Probation
- Suspension and cancellation
- Institution closing
Institutional Inspectors
The role of the Inspector for the registration process is essential. J-TEC’s Inspectors are respected and acknowledged based on their contributions to education in general and to the peer review process in particular. Inspectors are recognized for their commitment and alacrity to give back to Jamaica tertiary education system by serving on assessment teams and reviewing institutions without bias or prejudice, according to established J-TEC standards.
In addition to institutional monitoring, full team visits will include program specialists, Inspectors with expertise in student relations (SR), educational activities (ED), finance, security, occupational health and safety (OSH) and risk assessment and management. The number of Inspectors will be dependent on the size of the institution, level of registration being sought and number of academic programs.
The value of volunteerism of the Inspectors will be recognized through the granting of an honorarium to team members. Inspectors will also be reimbursed for approved travel expenses as outlined in the MoE Travel Reimbursement Policy and Procedures.
Selection Criteria
Selectees are asked to complete a bio sketch giving basic biographic data (i.e. career specialisation, educational experience and or qualification, current membership in civic or professional or service clubs), along with a two page CV and including their expectations of J-TEC evaluation and assessment process. This information is then matched with relevant category of tertiary institutions. Inspectors who meet the following criteria qualify for selection:
- Accomplished senior and middle management professional from tertiary and non-tertiary communities.
- Ages 22 – 75 years.
- Must have experience in at least two areas of operation including instruction, admissions, financial aid, placement, and administration etc.
- Must be willing to spend four to five hours over a minimum of two days for evaluation/assessment system processes and complete required reports.
- Must have excellent investigative, research, and reporting skills.
- Must be confidential and adhere to Official Secrets Act.
- Must have good interpersonal skills and be willing to work with a team.
- Must be sensitive to stakeholders’ unarticulated wishes and concerns and use their own objective criteria.
- Must be knowledgeable about Jamaica Constitution, J-TEC Act and Tertiary Education Standards, Education Act, Financial Administrative Audit Act (FAAA),
- Must not have a criminal record (submission of a police record mandatory).
- Must be available for Institutional Inspector meetings and feedback sessions.
- Must establish a formal schedule with J-TEC
- Must agree on a work schedule and similar activities
- Must adhere to ethical standards and have good work ethics